Monday, April 14, 2008

Dealing with your Panic - the Big issue here!

During panic we feel a myriad of sensations like I described in the earlier post and scary thoughts. All together - no wonder its so confusing. What you need to do is 1) Question each sensation and understand that its normal and not harmful
2) In a relaxed state of mind go try and experience just one sensation - suppose one of your sensations is feeling dizzy. You could spin around till you feel dizzy while remaining non anxious. In other words you can start feeling all your symptoms one at a time with no anxiety- at first you might experience some however with time it will decrease. You can ask a loved one to stay with you through the start as you do this. Running in place for an increased heart rate is another way of exposing yourself - remember you can have any or all of these anxiety sensations in isolation and be completely relaxed. On the other hand though if you do get anxious you will feel all this - however if you are no longer scared of the feelings - your anxiety will go away sooner and not turn into a panic attack. Coz now you don't fear the sensations of anxiety which is exactly why your anxiety turns into a panic attack in the first place.

For now this should be sufficient. All the best and keep smiling - or start smiling :)
More to come...take care..keep the faith.

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